Registration is officially OPEN for the biggest block party of the year in world language -
Practical & Comprehensible Conference
A free online experience for proficiency-oriented world language teachers.
This conference was created to help you make proficiency through CI sustainable by unlocking the joy, inclusivity + rejuvenation that proficiency brings to both students and teachers. All with practical ideas you can use tomorrow in class.
We’ve got 22 incredible speakers with topics ranging from:
sustainable CI routines
interviews on interculturality
being a brain-based teacher
Project-Based learning
routines with music,
teach language with the 5 senses,
explore culturally responsive Spanish teaching through the lens of S.W.A.G. (that's me y'all),
ways to add more CI into your lesson,
centering Black & Brown voices in world language,
add more fluency tools to your teaching toolkit,
starting from scratch with novels,
can CI and grammar really get along?
going for it - how to move towards proficiency-oriented grading,
centering culture in the core French classroom,
creating an inclusive and welcoming world language class,
The secret to unlocking student motivation,
Fostering Empathy and Relationships through CI Basics (Circling, TPR and Reading),
Walking in Authenticity Through Language,
curriculum glow-up ⬆️ 🆙
Practical Trauma-Informed Behavior Strategies,
and live, Q & A sessions
The FREE conference kicks off on July 21st and it’s going to be 3 action-packed days that you won’t want to miss.
Click here to see the FULL LINEUP, learn more and get your free ticket.